What is YOUR latest math score?

Dear World,

Math seems to be the HOT topic these days! From dropping scores in the United States to conscious comparisons internationally, mathematics will ALWAYS be a priority. 

But, are we prioritizing the mathematical equation that universally impacts everyone, everywhere? 

Now, more than ever, the most critical mathematical equation is . . . 

F x 5 = HNS

How and where do we start to solve such a fascinating sentence when more variables exist than numbers? 

Immediately, one piece of the puzzle is now activated, your NERVOUS SYSTEM. Are you armed with tools to create calm and safety, OR do you immediately go into one or more of the five F’s?






**Curious, are aware of when your nervous system is hijacked? More, are you aware of what YOU NEED to remain in a state of calm and ease?

Today’s math lesson is about how quickly ⅕ of the posed multiplication problem can HIJACK your mind and body, causing your nervous system to react in ways that are unfamiliar, undesirable, and the list goes on!

We discuss and teach the concept of danger in school and only include ✈️FLIGHT and 🤼‍♀️FIGHT. For each of us to build deep self-awareness, we must also be taught about 😱FREEZE, 🙋🏻‍♀️FAWN, and 😵Flop.

Committing to 🧠HOLISTIC BRAIN HEALTH🧠 directly invites each of us to curiously explore what causes our body to react and respond. Immediately, space for learning and implementing actionable tools that regulate our nervous system into a state of calm can be provided. 

👉🏽Are you and your family ready for personalized tools and sustainable practices? 

👉🏽Are you ready to celebrate your child's ability to navigate uncomfortable moments with ease and calm? 

👉🏽Are you ready to watch your child consciously and courageously use their powerful voice because living in state of calm CAN BE THEIR NORMAL?


Instead of waiting for another crisis to occur, let's actively find solutions that work for your child, family, AND you! I cannot wait to hear from you!


PS 💫Book a call now!💫Your child will THANK YOU! 

Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!


Hello! Just watched your session, wow! If my kids had access to teachers like you, maybe they would have stayed in school. I would love to know more about you and what you do. I was wondering if you have resources for parents of autistic kids. Self and emotional awareness is such a challenge for my little man that also has severe ADHD in addition to ASD, and we feel like we could help him so much more. Much of the early intervention we did was ABA style and none of it really worked. He is such a bright, beautiful boy, full of life. But talking about himself and his feelings is so hard. Look forward to exploring your site.



I just wanted to reach out and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible talk at The Liberated Child Homeschooling Summit! I kept yelling “YES!” at my screen, I felt like everything you said resonated with me so much. As a woman in my thirties just starting to unpack some childhood trauma and realizing how my conditioned responses shape my life, I’m hoping to break that cycle with my six year old son. We’re planning on homeschooling him this year for first grade and I am really looking forward to being more aware about incorporating social emotional learning in our daily lives. He is a very sensitive child (just like his mama) and I worry that I don’t always have the tools to respond to him the right way, so I’m going to hop on your website and learn as much as I can. Thank you again so much, the work you have done with all of your students is just absolutely inspiring! 



