Education & Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Families, Youth & Organizations
Discover a model for healthy communication and holistic support that shifts how youth, parents, educators, and thought leaders choose curiosity over judgment, compassion towards the self and others, and courage to leap when fear surfaces.
“Something’s going on with my child but I don’t know what it is.”
Every child is unique, which is why getting to the root of challenges and behaviors can be so difficult. Experiencing one or more of the following scenarios is not uncommon:
You’re being ignored by your child, or find yourself in constant friction with them
You’re having to repeat the same directives over and over again before getting a response
You’re frequently contacted by the school about issues related to your child, either academically, socially, and/or behaviorally
These experiences are frustrating but not impossible. You need support from an expert and encouragement from someone who’s passionately committed to your child.
Your child has a strong connection with you, but struggles to make friendships and collaborate outside of the home
Are you ready to witness remarkable transformation instead of living in a state of worry? I'm confident that your child's future will be filled with infinite choices as they write their own success story. For instance:
Imagine your child equipped with actionable practices they choose to use during school, stopping incident calls.
Imagine them with tools to enjoy the sport or activity they love.
Imagine your child confidently owning their power with an unwavering inner attitude of "I KNOW I CAN DO . . . “ on repeat, regardless of the challenge.
I will unlock the way your child learns, communicates, socializes, and thrives so they can design and live the holistically successful life they crave. And, YES, your child's academics will organically soar!
Imagine deep self-awareness driving your child's conscious desire to foster rich, healthy connections with you and others.
Whether it’s an in-person function or an online event, I tailor my knowledge to your participants and culture.
Private 1:1 coaching is your greatest opportunity for deep expansion and growth in all arenas.
Keynote Speaker
I partner with schools, businesses and organizations to facilitate curated programs and impactful workshops.
My parent and youth 1:1 private coaching program helps stressed parents foster rich connections with their children while guiding their children to design their own successful lifelong learning journey.
Expert observation and assessment designed specifically for out-of-box learners.
Coaching sessions are flexibly structured to fit the evolving times and needs of your child.
Flexible Support
Practical tools for how to navigate conflict and uncomfortable conversations.
Solutions, Not Excuses
After working together with me, you and your child will have...
You’ll have replaced friction with vulnerability, openness and connection between yourself and your child, and between your child and others.
Both you and your child will have identified your boundaries and feel powerful honoring your self discoveries with others.
Strategies to self-regulate and thrive will lead to rich self-awareness for all.
“Our time together was never wasted! You helped me so much, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I really do appreciate all of the time you gave me just to talk about my life and side track as well. Thank you for everything Dana!”
Liam, College Freshman
"Ms. Dana is the best teacher ever! She wants all her kids to reach their highest potential. Thanks to her, I have been successful in my later grades. She gave me confidence in my ideas and thoughts so that I do not feel scared to share them with others. Because of her, I know I can do anything I put my mind to.
Ava, 8th grade
“Dana is a good friend to have. I’m glad I have her to support me.💜”
As a keynote speaker, I instantly ignite all participants to explore their passions as a gateway for designing and actualizing their intentional impact throughout their personal success journey. I spark a new way of critical thinking and curiosity in order to embody Holistic Brain Health. Your collective culture will expand and elevate during and beyond our time together!
& Your Inner Superpowers
Self-investigation and curiosity lead the way for you to discover YOUR inner superpowers. Examining who you are, how you learn, and cultivating space for others to openly share their unique learning styles and needs will bridge connection and foster radical self-love. Are you ready to learn how to collaborate, persevere, and expand with all learners?
The Power of Communication & Listening to Learn
The journey of self-awareness prepares us to examine our communication. However, looking in the mirror and owning our role can feel challenging when we are unaware of how we communicate. Are you ready for self-investigation and understand the power of your voice and your words? Are you ready to demote your ego and elevate your inner superpowers for active listening, present engagement, and solutions to whatever stands in front of you? Your time is NOW!
How to Be Comfortable Having Uncomfortable Conversations
Uncomfortable conversations occur regularly and are often driven by emotions. Thus, we react instead of respond. Learning how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable starts with critical thinking and curiosity. Regardless if the conversation is with a five-year-old, your boss, your partner, or even with yourself, you’ll learn and embody specific and actionable practices for open and transparent communication that propels all to thrive with ease.
In addition to working with families and youth, I also partner with organizations through workshops and custom programming. Together, your community will explore and experience:
Highly effective communication tips and practices that create psychological safety, ensuring everyone feels heard, seen, loved, and valued
Uncover rich self-awareness and actionable strategies to regulate and thrive, inviting and intentionally providing a safe environment for all.
Provide clear language that promotes curiosity and purposefully fosters accessibility and inclusivity for all participants to courageously interact and excel together.
Direct training on designing and supporting opportunities for neurodiverse learners to openly share their needs as workers, learners, and members of our collective community.
Tangible and solution-oriented instructions on how to dismantle conscious and unconscious biases towards self and others.
Provide infinite space for all participants to consciously explore, discover, and navigate how they learn in order to become their own advocates.
If my kids had access to teachers like you, maybe they would have stayed in school. As a woman in my thirties just starting to unpack some childhood trauma and realizing how my conditioned responses shape my life, I’m hoping to break that cycle with my six year old son. After exploring your site, I wanted to reach out and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible talk at The Liberated Child Homeschooling Summit! I kept yelling “YES!” at my screen, I felt like everything you said resonated with me so much. I cannot wait to learn about the resources your provide for parents with autistic kids. Self and emotional awareness is such a challenge for my little man that also has severe ADHD in addition to ASD, and we feel like we could help him so much more. Much of the early intervention we are doing was ABA style and NONE of it really worked. He is such a bright, beautiful boy, full of life. But talking about himself and his feelings is so hard. We’re planning on homeschooling him this year for first grade and I am really looking forward to being more aware about incorporating social emotional learning in our daily lives. He is a very sensitive child (just like his mama) and I worry that I don’t always have the tools to respond to him the right way. Thank you again so much, the work you have done with all of your students is just absolutely inspiring! I ACTUALLY FEEL THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS!
~YA, mama of 3
Dana, You have no idea how much your kind words mean to us!! To be one of the families who touch your soul!! You’re so talented, and we LOVE working with you! Your approach to building confidence in kids and their skills while helping parents work with them in ways to build resilience is so valuable. We really appreciate you.
Seulki Chung
Dana is one of the most intuitive, insightful, generous, and kind teachers we have ever met. She gives 100% of herself to the kids she teaches. We are incredibly grateful that she is in our lives, and our children have benefited immensely from their relationship with Dana. Her interest in their well-being is genuine, and they pick up on that. The bond she has developed with my children is truly unparalleled, and as a result of the trust they have in her, she is able to work wonders with them on so many different levels. I cannot say enough good things about Dana!
Clara, mom of 3
I am not licensed to diagnose learning disabilities, but my experience in the classroom coupled with multiple certifications and extensive training in neurodivergent learning styles and patterns, trauma, emotional intelligence, and more has equipped me with the tools and insights to identify behaviors that commonly indicate when additional testing is necessary. From there, I’m available to advise and work with you on the most efficient route to ensure your child receives comprehensive assessments for accurate diagnosis. I actively partner with you and all doctors on creating an individualized and easily accessible plan to be given to schools, work and internships, and anyone supporting your child.
I no longer tutor learners from a traditional space. As a holistic educational coach, helping individuals identify how they learn and the essential tools necessary for their unique learning style provides infinite opportunities to dismantle limiting beliefs and existing blocks preventing them from absorbing and applying skills and strategies. My thorough pre-assessment provides essential data on what stands between your child and their ability to iterate and expand. From remediation to enrichment, creating a space for your child to rediscover their joy for learning while showing the world their genius is my top priority. After partnering with me, your child will access their personal learning powers with ease and confidence.
YES! I actively partner with schools to ensure learners receive essential tools required for them to thrive in and beyond all aspects of their world. In addition to being a child advocate and parent ally, I am also an advocate for educators and actively support the collective school to ensure learners iterate. By having open and transparent communication with the school, the learners are immediately invited to step into their power, discover their learning styles and needs, and model routines and practices that provide space for them to flourish at home, school, and wherever they choose to shine their light. Most importantly, schools and parents are supported with a common language that is used with and for the child. Together, the partnership provides all of us opportunities to share what’s working and/or needs adjusting, and encourages continuity for the child as they transition in and beyond all environments.
Creating personalized plans for neurodivergent learners is one of the top reasons parents choose to work with me. Not only do I assess learners with and without official diagnosis, I also purposefully take stock on what learners love and use the knowledge to design a sustainable yet flexible routine and schedule to coach and model essential language skills, vocabulary, and emotional regulation. Once diagnoses are shared, the child’s reports are used as additional tools to support their personal needs, always focusing on the unique gifts and essential resources needed in order for the child and parent to thrive. By creating a personalized plan beyond the traditional 504 and IEP, the child, school, family, and all involved with the child have clear and actionable steps on how and what will provide joy, curiosity, and commitment to learning and growing.
ABSOLUTELY! More often than not, we aren’t aware of what skills we need until disconnections occur. Building healthy relationships, socialization, emotional well-being, regulation to spatial awareness, learning concepts, prioritizing tasks, and executing all that’s required from and for us occurs when our self-awareness is powerfully clear. By modeling how to be a nonjudgmental observer of oneself, each learner has the space to put their personalized coaching into action with accessible and actionable practices for home, school, work, and all spaces they choose to experience. As executive functioning skills and tools are consciously put into place, organizational practices are organically implemented because individuals recognize internal signals that remind them to think, speak, and behave from a place of kindness and curiosity.
Guiding students on how to recognize the thoughts and narratives driving their internal physical sensations is my top priority! I will model accessible, actionable, and sustainable practices specific for your child that will lay the foundation for rich self-awareness, connection between self and others, awareness of social cues, and clarity around verbal and nonverbal communication. Your child will be taught self-regulation that calms their nervous system and elevates their desire to be in and around social situations. Most critically, your child will learn how to be their own non-judgemental observer, creating space for curiosity and embodying self-compassion.
Encouraging students to explore the infinite possibilities beyond high school is essential for them to feel seen, heard, valued, and loved. Students choose to step beyond their comfort zone and explore the “reach” colleges, investigate opportunities that feed their soul, research AND apply to internships that provide self-exploration, and discovering the power of trusting their inner knowing is one of my most favorite adventures for learners! And, PARENTS, I’VE GOT YOU! When WE PARTNER, one of the most important tools I teach is how to recognize when our actions and words come from a space of freedom or fear!
YES, YES, YES! Parents, YOU ARE ALWAYS SUPPORTED! WE are a TEAM for your child!
I work with elementary through college-age humans, post-college/graduates, and consistently partner with parents, teachers, leaders, and employers.
Transformation occurs when schedules, routines, and transparent communication is consistently experienced between the child, parents, all supporting the child, and me. While I’d love to place a number of sessions or weeks on when you and your child will see the shifts, I can absolutely affirm ALL IS POSSIBLE when everyone commits to the process, practices, and leans in when challenges arise.