Education & Emotional Intelligence Coach & Consultant for Families, Youth & Organizations
OUT-OF-THE-BOX & NEURODIVERGENT LEARNERS - Are you curious to know if you’re in the right place?
“Just because the path is different, doesn’t mean you’re lost”
What if you could…
Discover the impact of your voice and inner superpowers to embody radical self-acceptance.
Find your voice and feel your power by learning to embody curiosity, belonging, and radical self-love through holistically choosing to accept you
By embracing, understanding, and giving your emotions space to flow, I facilitate boundless opportunities for you to live with intentional wonder while expressing yourself safely and without judgment.
Through my programs, you will learn to trust your inner knowing while choosing to become the designer of your own success journey.
Neurodivergent learners deserve to feel free and psychologically safe everywhere!
Inner peace comes from self-compassion, connection, communication, and confidence.

Your Educational Coach for Out-of-the-Box Learners
Creating a psychologically safe space to feel comfortable talking about uncomfortable truths is my jam. I want to dismantle the reality that life doesn’t have to be hard–are you ready to live in a state of ease?
As a retired award-winning classroom educator turned lifetime educator for the world, I support parents, children, adults and caregivers with actionable and sustainable practices that foster healthy communication, curiosity over judgment, radical self-love and how to live in a state of wonder and joy.
My students discover their inner superpowers and cultivate agency to design their personal success stories throughout their lifelong learning journey.
Private 1:1 coaching is your greatest opportunity for deep expansion and growth. I will help you see, feel, and hear your positively powerful voice by stepping out of your comfort zone and unlocking your profound superpowers. Each uniquely designed session will teach you how to implement new concepts and embody practices that expand and elevate you in all arenas.
My customized programs set your school, business, or organization up to launch into each new phase of life. I will craft experiences for participants to gather and leap beyond their comfort zone. Collectively, all will be supported, challenged, and expanded with love and psychological safety as each person learns to take action with accountability, intentionally chooses radical self-acceptance, and embodies radical self-love while iterating and becoming their most powerful self!
Holistic Brain Health is the driving force behind every partnership, workshop, and experience I design and facilitate. By focusing on Emotional Intelligence, participants explore and discover their personal learning styles and needs, gain transparent self-awareness for how they can grow and expand, and most importantly, celebrate the power of asking for help. All participants will walk away with an understanding of their unique superpowers and the strength of their voice.
Invite Dana to Speak
As a keynote speaker, I instantly ignite all participants to explore their passions as a gateway for designing and actualizing their intentional impact throughout their personal success journey.
I dismantle educational and societal structures that no longer serve today’s learners in order to create accessibility for all to feel rich inclusivity, authentic equity, and unwavering belonging.
Whether your next event is an in-person corporate function, a seminar online, or a large gathering for actionable change in the world, I purposefully tailor my knowledge to your participants and culture. I spark a new way of critical thinking and curiosity in order to embody Holistic Brain Health. Your collective culture will expand and elevate during and beyond our time together!
& Your Inner Superpowers
Self-investigation and curiosity lead the way for you to discover YOUR inner superpowers. Examining who you are, how you learn, and cultivating space for others to openly share their unique learning styles and needs will bridge connection and foster radical self-love. Are you ready to learn how to collaborate, persevere, and expand with all learners?
The Power of Communication & Listening to Learn
The journey of self-awareness prepares us to examine our communication. However, looking in the mirror and owning our role can feel challenging when we are unaware of how we communicate. Are you ready for self-investigation and understand the power of your voice and your words? Are you ready to demote your ego and elevate your inner superpowers for active listening, present engagement, and solutions to whatever stands in front of you? Your time is NOW!
How to Be Comfortable Having Uncomfortable Conversations
Uncomfortable conversations occur regularly and are often driven by emotions. Thus, we react instead of respond. Learning how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable starts with critical thinking and curiosity. Regardless if the conversation is with a five-year-old, your boss, your partner, or even with yourself, you’ll learn and embody specific and actionable practices for open and transparent communication that propels all to thrive with ease.
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