Powerful People... SCHOOL IS IN SESSION

Schools continue to unlock their doors with (tentative) roll-out plans and negotiations for the '20-'21 school year. Yet lack of transparency and confirmation seem to be the forefront of all discussions. As we continue to seek certainty in uncertain times, YOUR VOICE AND CONVICTION MUST REMAIN STEADFAST!  



As the late John Lewis richly declared, “NEVER, EVER be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” John Lewis, like YOU, was an advocate for ALL! NOW is the TIME FOR ALL OF US TO MAKE SOME NOISE! NOW is the TIME FOR ALL OF US TO GET INTO GOOD AND NECESSARY TROUBLE

Navigating the direction of how your child will learn this year is the topic of everyone’s morning coffee, lunch time break, and evening cocktails. Regardless if your child will attend their first toddler music class or hold a fellowship post-grad, one puzzle piece is intact for all: SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION! Every human has a blank canvas hanging in front of them, and we CHOOSE how we want to fill the boundless space. While many children are unsure where to begin, what space to touch first, others have already plotted and planted their visions for the school year. As you continue to attend PTA meetings, community webinars, speak with friends and family, debate the pros and cons of in-person vs remote learning, and all in between, the WE MUST ADVOCATE FOR EVERY LEARNER ACROSS ALL SPECTRUMS!

  • EVERY child’s social and emotional well-being is paramount! As a collective, we must intentionally teach ALL YOUTH skills and strategies to understand and manage their emotions, speak kindly and compassionately to their self in order to respond to others with empathy and respect, cultivate and foster relationships with all beings, and make positive and responsible choices that support the greater good. In doing so, we are all unlocking doors for glorious adventures! Investing in your child's mental health is essential! Every aspect of your child's learning, collaboration, and expansion must be enveloped with rich social and emotional practices. To support understanding and implementing age appropriate practices, we must explore how children communicate. Meaning, some children vividly express emotion through dialogue and conversing while others thrive through artistic creation. Regardless of the age, paintings may be easy strokes and clear images one moment and splattering every possible hue the next. We may perceive the construction as chaos while your child brings to life love, joy, and inclusion! Drawings may resemble feverish scribbles of (a) rich color(s) across paper, symbolizing their current emotion. Yet, the color(s) they choose may (not) align with previously prescribed color-emotion connection. For learners that are confident in orally expressing their thoughts and emotions, they may choose written avenues such as poetry, song writing, or writing you, a trusted mentor, and/or a teacher a letter. Honoring our imperfectly perfect communication style is the only way we can all grow and learn TOGETHER.

Stop and pause.
Pay attention to your child!
EVERY child's voice is LOUD!

  • Your child will have an opportunity to use their voice in an entirely new capacity! When your child meets their new teacher, they will be invited to speak up and out with electricity! Your child will confidently sit in their seat, stand at a table, roll on a bouncy ball at their home desk, or even lay in their bed as they introduce their self to a collective group of FIERCE and READY ROCK STARS. Your child and their classmates CAN and WILL tackle all that comes their way! To support your child actively using their powerful voice, stop and acknowledge their interests, ideas, inquiries, and suggestions, today and always! My most impactful teachers are the ones placed in my arms moments after entering the world, walk into my world on a random afternoon, and continue on their journey through their single digit years and into double-digits. Yes, I am bluntly stating that today's youth teach me as much or more about what needs to be taught than some of my most brilliant professors and mentors! By encouraging your child to speak for their self, to authentically OWN their voice, you are validating and appreciating your child's innate power!

  • MODEL advocating for YOUR needs! The beauty of you working from home and using your powerful voice on the daily generates organic opportunities for your child to hear how you speak with your colleagues, service providers, friends, family, and all who enter your world. Hearing how you state what you need, why fulfilling the requested need will strengthen you personally and professionally, and conversing about the available options seamlessly highlight positive and productive communication, learning how to take and respond to feedback, and actualizing what you need to continue growing in your field and as a positively, powerful human!

  • Ask for HELP! As you learn more about evolving plans and structures for your child, remember NOTHING IS PERMANENT! Learning is a process, an evolution that never stops! Regardless if your child is in a special education class, a general education class, an AP course, or a G&T class, your child DESERVES time with their teacher! Asking for help teaches us that we never have to travel alone. Asking for help allows those that work with us to learn about who we are as learners and leaders. When we ask for help, we articulate our understanding while inviting the listener to design purposeful and differentiated instruction with ease. A screen is never allowed to be an excuse for your child not to learn, understand, or grow! The device screen is NOW the door your child will walk through, bridging their home and school! Thus...

  • Live small groups must occur on the daily.

  • Live FREQUENT 1:1 meetings must occur between your child and their teacher, regardless of the child's age or subject!

  • YOU must remain in constant communication with all participating in your child's learning journey!

    YOU ARE YOUR CHILD'S ADVOCATE! For more ways on supporting your child NOW click the link below!


Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!


When I observe my now 12-year-old daughter advocating for herself at Horace Mann Middle School, Dana's teachings and influence are obvious. She met Dana when she was 4, was lucky enough to have her as her kindergarten teacher a year later, and was given the opportunity to regularly work in Dana's classroom with her students as the years went on. Our entire family has learned so much from Dana about harnessing the true potential of our children - she is the best educator we have ever met.

~Vanessa Lui


The POWER of Play!


Let Freedom RING!