How to EMBRACE opportunities!

As one that grew up in the Deep South, I always looked forward to watching flowers bloom. Each one bursted unexpectedly, all dependent on the temperature and rain. I couldn't wait to see the petals' hues and soak up the scents that filled the air. I always wondered how many days would pass before seeing joy sway in trees and bushes. Looking for blossoms and watching pigments fill an environment still stop me in my tracks! 

Interestingly, buds, blossoms, life, and all in between continue to arrive at different times this year, unfolding as they feel ready.  While the flowers choose when and for how long to show their vibrancy, parents with children that qualified for City and/or District Wide Gifted and Talented Programs completely missed the saturation that envelope a school during the anticipated tours.

Laughter from children moving between classes, lunch, and recess; musical instruments echoing from the auditorium; and fiery creations hanging in and outside of classrooms are now being captured through slides and virtual tours as parents are expected to make a pivotal decision in their child's learning journey. The outpouring of questions, wondering how to weigh pros and cons during an unprecedented time is simply one that I encourage all of you to CELEBRATE! Instead of focusing on what you can't control, HONOR the OPPORTUNITIES that lie ahead for your child!

For those still marinating over how to rank schools for your child, below are a few questions to ponder. My hope is your gut will scream the answer as you read on... 

  • What excites and feeds your child's curiosity? (*Inquiry based learning)

  • How does your child respond to new environments and people? (*Rich Social and Emotional learning organically embedded in the school's philosophy, academics, and community at large)

  • How does the school approach and invite parent engagement? (*School wide philosophy? Teacher discretion? Once a month? Open door policy?)

  • How will the school meet your child's individual needs? (*Enrichment, remediation, accommodations, independent study, etc)

For more information, please reach out! You still have plenty of time!

Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!


I can’t thank Ms. Dana enough for what she’s done for me the past few years. Starting at a young age, Ms. Dana started tutoring me when I was in Pre-k. The next year, I got accepted into PS 33, where I was in Ms. Dana’s class. In class, she pushed me out of my comfort zone, knowing that I would thrive there. I started learning and growing a lot more. Throughout my years at PS 33, Ms. Dana has helped me every step of the way, always pushing me to my full potential. Even when she left PS 33, she would help me with my writing skills. At the end of 5th grade, when I started looking and applying for middle schools, she helped me with my applications, showing me how I could grow as a writer, reader and thinker. She helped me prepare for the ISEE tests in the matter of a few months. I wrote essays for schools, with her analyzing every detail that I wrote and helping me see what I could improve on. With her help, I got accepted into Horace Mann, a private school in the Bronx. Without Ms. Dana, I wouldn’t know where I would be right now. I am so thankful for her help and have learned a lot from her. 

~Nara Brunink, age 11


Let Freedom RING!
