HOW do we lead today's youth when all of life continues to be influx?

Empowerment (n):
The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in OWNING one's life and DESIGNING one's limitless path. 

For many, the million dollar question remains on the table: HOW do we lead today's youth when all of life continues to be influx?

Playing the lottery is a gamble, and today, I'm giving you the winning ticket! 

Whether your child returns to school for the first time this year (HELLO, GEORGIA!), resumes a few days each week (HELLO, NYC!), or remains fully remote (HELLO, LA!), promoting confidence in owning one's voice and intentionally designing how the remaining months of school will unfold is your child's choice!

As an expert in Early Childhood Education and Social Emotional Awareness, empowerment is the key to growing, stretching, and being our authentic self. 

5 Jackpot Tips: 
1. Invite your child to find specific ways they can participate more in school.
~ Our voice is power!

2. Encourage your child to design social justice initiatives.
~ Giving to others enhances overall mental health. 

3. Seek opportunities to step away from devices. 
~ Focus will increase while exhaustion and irritability will decrease! 

4. Move your body!
~ Sleep, mood, and connection with others expands overall well-being!

5. Express your feelings while remaining detached from labels!
~ Specifically naming emotions and honoring how we feel unlocks magnificent discussions. 

*Bonus: vulnerability moves mountains! 

By employing each tip, you will see magical shifts in your child and home environment. For more, LET'S CONNECT!


Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!


Dana is one of the most intuitive, insightful, generous, and kind teachers we have ever met.  She gives 100% of herself to the kids she teaches.  We are incredibly grateful that she is in our lives, and our three children have benefited immensely from their relationship with Dana.  Her interest in their well-being is genuine, and they pick up on that.  The bond she has developed with my children is truly unparalleled, and as a result of the trust they have in her, she is able to work wonders with them on so many different levels.  I cannot say enough good things about Dana!            

~Clara Chun


ACTIONABLE TIPS: Infuse, Model, Invite, Ask, STOP & LISTEN!
