How many more SCANDALOUS events must occur for US TO TAKE ACTION?

Dear World, 

How many more SCANDALOUS events must occur for US TO TAKE ACTION?

1. Mary Lin, Atlanta Public School System:

Principal Sharyn Briscoe is accused of segregating students by race, a direct violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And, yet, Briscoe stated she would place all of the Black students in two classes and all the white students in six white classes.

Result: Small slap on the hand!
Full article


2. Governor Kate Brown signed a law allowing Oregon students to graduate without proving they can write or do math. Brown doesn’t want to talk about it. And yet, Charles Boyle, the governor’s deputy communications director, said in an emailed statement, “suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements while the state develops new graduation standards will benefit ‘Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.’”

Result: Inequitable graduation standards offered to “Black, Indigenous, and students of color during this year’s legislative session.”
~ Full article


3. Radio host, Graham Hart, consistently praised Hitler on broadcasts, claiming the Holocaust a hoax and “Hitler the greatest man on earth.” July 18, 2016: Graham Hart directly “insulted Jewish people with antisemitic language with the aim of inciting racial hatred. This was one of many occasions when he dehumanised Jewish people.” Hart continued his successful rants through December 24, 2020; PLEADED guilty June 2021, CONVICTED AUGUST 2021

Result: WE SAY #NEVERAGAIN, but really, ALL continues to happen daily! 
~ Full article

Common thread, WE are accepting actions, behaviors, and words of others for way too long! Yes, ACCEPTING! We like to say tolerating to appear as if change is occurring. Let’s be honest, change only occurs when CHANGE HAPPENS! 

I’m curious, what more must take place before YOU choose action?

OUR DIVERSE HUMANITY IS HERE TO STAY! Skin color, race, gender, age, culture, religion, disabilities, and all in between and beyond must be rooted in love. 

  • To hate is to hate yourself!

  • To judge is to judge yourself!

  • To destroy is to destroy ALL!

Today, August 26, 2021 is YOUR DAY to turn a new page! 

⚖️TOGETHER, we STAND UP to sit down! 
⚖️TOGETHER, we SPEAK UP during hard conversations!




P.S. As YOU continue to courageously make choices, discoveries, AND changes, YOU inspire others to do so, too!

Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!


Hello! Just watched your session, wow! If my kids had access to teachers like you, maybe they would have stayed in school. I would love to know more about you and what you do. I was wondering if you have resources for parents of autistic kids. Self and emotional awareness is such a challenge for my little man that also has severe ADHD in addition to ASD, and we feel like we could help him so much more. Much of the early intervention we did was ABA style and none of it really worked. He is such a bright, beautiful boy, full of life. But talking about himself and his feelings is so hard. Look forward to exploring your site.



Let's talk . . . CONFIDENCE!


Consciously DISMANTLING biases!