Let's talk . . . CONFIDENCE!
How do WE raise CONFIDENT humans?
Collectively, we’ve heard and shared “BE CONFIDENT.” However, as a little girl, I had no idea how to BE confident. And, if I’m honest, I wanted to learn, but wasn’t sure how to ask for help!
Communication, modeling, and exploring language through action provides brilliant opportunities to discover and organically employ what is learned. Thus, the big curiosity on the streets . . . How do we raise confident humans?
Let’s take ACTION!
🎤Authentically use your voice!
🗣️Ask questions
🗣️Share your ideas
🗣️Respectfully debate
🧗🏽Take the risk!
👉Trying immediately expands your self-awareness
👉Learning from the experience will serve as a guide
👉Consistently playing will create internal safety
🙌Trust yourself!
✔️Pay attention to how your body responds or reacts
✔️Allow yourself time to slow down
✔️Listen to your inner voice
How will YOU confidently show up today?
P.S. Choosing to CREATE your own magic dismantles pressure for perfection.
Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!
What BUSINESSES are saying about DEED!
Hi Dana – thank you so much for the presentation. Your words and actionable steps impacted how I led the rest of my day. I loved the reminder of “stop apologizing for everything” and “setting boundaries.” I put both straight into effect yesterday!
Again, thank you and I wish you well!