How can I help my children AND me step into the arena?
Dear World,
I was recently asked “How can I help my children AND me step into the arena?”
🌟Let’s be clear, the arena is ANY space YOU want to be playing in, but continue to choose the sidelines.
Pausing to absorb their question, I intentionally asked, "What do think playing in the arena means?"
Without a beat, the person shared their beliefs along with specific examples of where they continue to hedge at work, in their community, and in their personal life. Their stream of consciousness flowed, ending with “I feel like the Cowardly Lion.”
My heart began to soar while listening to learn! I looked the person in the eyes and confidently blurted:
As a solutions oriented person, coaching and modeling self-awareness, self-trust, and self-love critically impact how clients iterate during and beyond our collaborations and partnerships. Regardless of age, WE CAN activate our own bravery by first building a rich relationship within!
1. Self-Awareness!
The concept of self-awareness is the deepest root within emotional intelligence. When we STOP AND PAUSE, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Unfortunately, stopping and pausing can feel scarier than staying on the hamster wheel of life. THUS, YOU CAN CHOOSE A NEW WAY!
2. Self-Trust!
Trusting your own voice richly connects your body, mind, and soul. As children, we hear others say, "trust me," but the phrase is hard to conceptualize, especially when the person stating "trust me" doesn't follow through. THUS! Listening to your inner voice and paying attention to your body's signals organically directs YOU to trust your intuition. *Each signal enhances your self-awareness exponentially!
3. Self-Love!
Loving every ounce of yourself creates space for us to be present. We view the world through self-compassion and non-judgement, organically expanding our ability to choose what's best for us. We can then . . .
🙌🏼Accept our whole being.
🙏🏼Honor our mistakes.
💫Take the lessons with us.
When you find yourself wavering whether to enter the arena, trust yourself and RUN straight INTO the playground! The freedom is exhillorating!
PS Choosing to play in the arena immediately grants everyone around you to play, too!
Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!
Dana, when we first began working together, I truly thought I needed to fix Hayden. During our time together, you taught me to pay attention to Hayden’s skills, strengths, and all that he CAN DO! You guided and coached me to see ALL of Hayden’s abilities, what he can and does bring to the table. You showed me how to lovingly disconnect from Hayden so HE CAN SHINE. That is what YOU GAVE ME, Dana!
Madalyn Scipione, TX
Transformational Coach and Spiritual Advisor
*Mom to Middle and High school ROCK STARS!