If bubbles and fireworks spoke . . .
Dear World,
ADHD is ✨MY✨ superpower.
*However, for most, ADHD is still STIGMATIZED.
As one that CELEBRATES my brain's constant firework and bubble bonanza show with sounds, colors, and unpredictability, I have also created magical coping mechanisms for myself to THRIVE!
My intention is to dismantle the constant stigmas that surface in and around OUT OF THE BOX LEARNERS. YES! I'm talking about neurodivergent learners, those experiencing invisible disabilities, and all that need AND want different structures in place to TRHIVE! Instead of viewing one as different or a problem, let's optimize available opportunities for ALL!
I've received MANY inquiries about emotional regulation, medicating children with ADHD over the summer, and shying away from social spaces because "I'm too colorful" or "my child is unpredictable and . . ." Thank YOU to those that continue to vulnerably and courageously reach out for support. Like many misunderstood and "uncontrollable" situations, stigmas and judgement flow easily when we assume instead of inquire.
I LOVE uncomfortable conversations because the more we gather and explore, the more comfortable we become stepping into the arena and create sustainable change!
We've ALL heard knowledge is power. And, we've also heard words impact. Below are a few phrases stated to me with reframes. I no longer hear the "stigmas" as criticism. Instead, I celebrate me, my uniqueness, and fully accept myself with compassion.
➡️ Stigma: You’re too detail oriented.
⭐️ My RESPONSE: I take my time to ensure I see, hear, AND VALIDATE my clients as they discover their learning styles and needs and wants to excel in all spaces and places.
💡Taking one's time allows for learning, expansion, and wonder. Additionally, creating calm allows us to trust that time is on our side!
➡️ Stigma: You are way too sensitive.
⭐️ My RESPONSE: I love that I feel deeply for others and my ability to show up and hold space for others and myself invites calm, curiosity, and opportunities to learn how and what words and actions impact you and me.
💡Expressing one's emotions and feelings is safe. Allowing yourself to share what emotions surface AND MORE, where the feelings sit in your body helps you and the person you are speaking with get curious about their own emotions and various states of being.
➡️ Stigma: You are TOO MUCH.
⭐️ My RESPONSE: I am AMAZING! PERIOD! (and then I'll sashay away💃🏽)
💡If YOU or ANYONE is ever told you’re “TOO MUCH,” ALWAYS take up space because being you is SAFE!🧚🏼♀️
Despite what I shared above, society’s stigmas have created a home in your brain🧠, and today is YOUR opportunity to choose NEW THOUGHTS!
For more information on how to ⭐️THRIVE⭐️ as a neurodiverse learner, LET’S TALK! My signature program 🚀Propel to Launch🚀 is ideal for your child, YOU, and anyone desiring sustainable change in all aspects of their life!
Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!
Dana spoke at an event a few months ago and her words impacted me greatly. I have been closed off for a while and hearing how Dana shared about herself as a learner, as a person in the world creating change, her challenges, and why she decided to leave the classroom gave me the push to apply for a new job and begin night classes for my masters. There's a lot of truth in being in the right spot at the right time. Thank you, Dana for giving me an opportunity to uncover where I've been hiding and how to take steps towards bringing my dreams to life. And, the best part, I had a very uncomfortable conversation with my family about changing paths because you helped me believe and trust MY own decisions.
~FT, 25 years old