Dear World,
I LOVE SCIENCE, especially the brain! My passion and curiosity for the 13 pounds sitting above our shoulders intrigues me to such lengths that I even created a prestigious medical school in my kindergarten class. Yes, all kindergarteners had to apply! Yes, the application was lengthy and purposeful! Yes, we dove into ALL topics related to the human body, especially the 🧠BRAIN!
To live as a scientist is a gift we give ourselves. Instantly, we release judgement and purposefully listen to learn, explore, and discover. More, as a scientist, we are present, living in the moment and consciously moving through our day with awareness and intention.
Recently, I engaged in brilliant conversations with a beautiful friend about our brains being icebergs. I was enraptured from the start as we dissected the conscious vs subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and actual language we choose to use. As a visual learner, I asked my friend to draw out the ratios of what we "know" (conscious) vs what we do not know (subconscious). Since our conversation, I now have a collection of icebergs, the tip being what you think you know and see, and the definitive line that divides the submerged unknown or what we choose to keep silent.
Not only do I now see icebergs in a COMPLETELY different way, I honor even more the realities that we all learn and communicate vastly different. More, our emotions and experiences propel us towards the infinitely unknown or hinder us to stay back and hide. Through rich self-awareness and opportunities to ask questions, we can create and provide a sense of safety for ALL!
Last week, I was honored and humbled to speak alongside Rabbi Iggy, CEO and Founding Rabbi of T’Shuvah Center, as Stacy Helfstein, social worker and T'Shuvah Center board member, moderated a critical discussion focused on teens, mental health, addiction, and trust. Please join us for part-2 TONIGHT as we continue our open, honest, and safe conversation.
The Kids Are Not Alright: Teenagers, Drugs and Mental Health
TONIGHT, Thursday, November 11th
**7:30PM - 8:45PM (ET)
Together, we will discuss and further share . . .
✔️Actionable tips and proactive language for intentional and meaningful connection
✔️Accessible resources and the framework to guide and propel children and teens towards participating in healthy and open dialogues around big emotions
✔️Warning signs for addiction while courageously and compassionately cultivating a safe space for open and honest conversations.
Like the iceberg, what we see is only a fraction of the truth. Perhaps uncomfortable, yet critical, diving into the water, digging into the depth of emotions and experiences, and curiously discovering the unknown will be the desired and necessary bridge for rich connection and space for vulnerable and healing conversations.
P.S. If easier, send the link directly to EVERYONE you know!
Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!
Dana is a good friend to have. I’m glad I have her to support me.💜
~Matilda, age 7