Dear World, 

I recently read a quote, “feel compliments as deeply as you feel insults.” 

Human development, especially the brain, ignited my curiosity as a child and even more so during high school. My younger brother had a concussion, and I brought donuts to the hospital. Every few minutes, he asked me when I arrived and who brought the donuts. I wasn’t scared because I knew his memory would come back, but my friend would make up stories to throw him off. I remember having a visceral reaction to what she thought was joking around. Truth, I was too scared to tell her to stop. 

The phrases, “you’re too sensitive” or “you can’t take a joke” generally followed when I used my voice and expressed my feelings. Thus, emotions were suppressed and unclear, preventing me from authentically receiving compliments without thinking there was an angle. And, yes, I consistently questioned my enoughness and belonging. 

How are you feeling while reading the words above?

✨Imagine your child having space to express their thoughts and feelings safely!
✨Imagine having open communication with your children, even when uncomfortable!
✨Imagine your child using their positively powerful voice to make personal choices best for them!
✨Imagine your child leading their peers in mentally healthy and elevated conversations!
✨Imagine your child's self-awareness thriving because you now have language and new knowledge about what was once scary or taboo!

Please mark your calendars for a 2-part series:

The Kids Are Not Alright: Teenagers, Drugs and Mental Health

Thursday, November 4th and Thursday, November 11th
@ 7:30PM - 8:45PM (ET)

I will be in a conversation with Rabbi Iggy, CEO and Founding Rabbi of T’Shuvah Center, moderated by Stacy Helfstein, social worker and T'Shuvah Center board member. 

Workshop highlights:

  • Equip parents with proactive and compassionate tools to talk with their kids about alcohol and drug use

  • Help you recognize the warning signs of addiction (and what to do early on)

  • Equip you with the framework and resources to support your kids in building a rich life of connection and meaning, which can ultimately prevent and stop addiction.

  • Provide an open, safe space for you to ask difficult, and sometimes uncomfortable, questions.

sign up for what will be one of the most profound conversations closing out 2021! AND! Please forward the event to everyone in your community! TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE CHANGE!


P.S. If easier, send the link directly to EVERYONE you know!

Do a good DEED, and pass along my email!


Dana, when we first began working together, I truly thought I needed to fix Hayden. During our time together, you taught me to pay attention to Hayden’s skills, strengths, and all that he can do! You guided and coached me to see ALL of Hayden’s abilities, what he can and does bring to the table. You showed me how to lovingly disconnect from Hayden so HE CAN SHINE. That is what YOU GAVE ME, Dana!

~Madalyn Scipione, TX 
Transformational Coach and Spiritual Advisor 
*Mom to Middle and High school ROCK STARS!


{TONIGHT} Addiction, Mental Health, and YOUTH
